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How to lose weight

We know losing weight isn't easy. It can feel like a never ending cycle of starting off well, having a bad day, then falling off. Because of this, we have had one of our Newcastle personal trainer's give their top tips to help you lose weight.

Sustainability 📆

A diet high in nutrients is crucial for overall health and wellbeing. However, eating like this 100% of the time may only last a few weeks before a relapse. Instead, opt for a 80/20 approach to your diet - eat 80% healthy, wholesome foods, and for the other 20% enjoy the foods you love; this will keep your cravings at bay.

Lift Weights 🏋️‍♀️

Lifting weights is fantastic for weight loss and is key for toning. During weight training, your muscle fibres tear microscopically. Your body then works to repair those fibres, utilising calories in the process. Therefore you keep burning calories long after your workout has finished.

Calorie Counting 🍎

Everybody has a set number of calories they need to eat in order to maintain their current weight; this varies from person to person and is based on your weight, age, height and activity level. To lose weight, you simply need to eat less than you need to maintain. A great app to download is "My Fitness Pal". This tells you how many calories you should be eating to reach your goal weight, and allows you to track your meals. You ultimately don’t need a super strict diet as long as you stay within your calorie limit

Walk More 👣

The average sedentary adult walks 1000-3000 steps daily. Increasing this to 10,000 could burn up to 500 extra calories a day.

Empty Calories 🍭🍬

Look to cut unfilling food or drink containing a high number of calories with little nutritional value out of your diet. I.e. swapping zero calorie Diet Coke for your usual 210 calorie can of Coca-Cola, or substituting sugar for sweetener in your coffee.

Set Stakes 💵

Find it difficult to stick to a goal?

Set yourself a goal of doing 1 hour of exercise 3 times a week. Give a £100 cheque/cash to a friend; if you don’t stick with it, it gets sent to an organisation you don’t support.


Still confused with exactly what you need to do to lose weight? Then get in touch for some free advice.