• Time to read 1 minute

A study found that the majority of adults are chronically dehydrated, with a lot of us only drinking 1 glass of water a day! Hydration is crucial for the human body, it keeps us energised, flushes out nasty toxins, it aids bowl function, it keeps our skin looking healthy.

  1. Set an alarm
    1. Set an alarm for every 15 minutes reminding you to take a sip. It may annoy your colleagues, but at least you will be hydrated!
  2. Write times on bottle
    1. Don’t want to annoy the people in the office? Try writing times on a bottle, or buy a bottle that already has the times written on it, drink at the allocated times
  3. Drink through a straw
    1. You can drink faster!
  4. Flavour the water with fruit
    1. Don’t like the taste of water? Buy a fruit infuser or simply add some fruit to your bottle – we like lemon and lime best :D
  5. Get a gallon water bottle
    1. Set yourself a goal of drinking it all in one day
  6. Drink 500ml with every meal
    1. Every meal you have, pour yourself 500ml of water and make sure you finish it!
  7. Use an app
    1. There are loads of water tracking apps out there, we like Hydro Coach best
  8. Get a digital water bottle
    1. Take it a step further and get yourself a digital water bottle. We use https://hidratespark.com/ it glows to remind you to drink and tracks your consumption on an app
  9. Take a sip of water every time you have a rest when working out
    1. Staying hydrated when working out is crucial for performance so make sure you take a sip of water during each rest.